Monday, June 1, 2009

Well here we are the start of June and school is just about out for the girls. Wow where did the school year go?

Breanna has been doing some camping with Rusty and enjoying it. She tried to do some backpack camping and found out how hard it is. Then the following weekend she got to go car camping and she enjoyed that better. I do not know if it was because she got to also go 4 wheeling or what it was.

While they were camping, Sabrina and I had relaxing weekends. The first one was when she got sick, so that was a bummer. But this last weekend was fun. Swimming at friends houses and going to Birthday parties. We also just got to cuddle on the couch and watch movies.

School is over for me and I was glad that came around, one less thing for me to have to worry about. I pulled a “B” in my Algebra class. I was very happy. Next semester, I think I will take an English class.

We are heading to Santa Barbara this summer again. Go and visit with family and spend plenty of time on the beach. I hope it warms up though! It would be nice if the June gloom would not be there for once.

Well, we hope you all have a great summer. I will try better to update our blog more then this.

1 comment:

  1. Hiking, camping, movies, and the beach? Sounds like a perfect summer. We are planning to get some of all that in too :)
